
Monday, April 23, 2012

Bella Luna hits the Water

In the factory
Friday April 20th was a very exciting day for Debbie and I.  Bella Luna hit the water in fine style.
The following pictures are of the boat leaving the factory and traveling the 1 km to the launch site.  The road is very skinny and overhead wires and branches are very low.  The workers had to use machetes to cut branches and brooms to hold up the wires.
The driver of the truck used to tow the boat was a very experienced and competent driver.  He did an amazing job of negotiating the roads, turns and launch ramp.

On the trailer
Coming out the door

Onto the road

Towed down the road

Around the first corner

Workers trimming the trees

More trimming

At the boat launch

Hitting the water

In and it floats

The Driver

On the deck

In the water
Stepping the mast

At its mooring

Debbie after a GREAT DAY!!

1 comment:

  1. So happy and excited for both of you! Those pictures look VERY familiar! Your boat looks beautiful, and I love the name and font you chose. Very nice. Looking forward to seeing you guys on the water someday! Hope our paths cross!!
