
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Official Ownership

Last week we sailed with three Antares personnel to Colonia, Uraguay for the official transfer of ownership of Bella Luna from Antares to us.  It was a very special time after five years of work we are now the proud owners of Bella Luna.

Gord at the helm

Memo Castro

Great Sailing
Jeff tweaking the sails

When we arrived in Uraguay we had prayer and a dedication of Bella Luna.

Maker of the heaven and earth, sky and the sea and all that is in it.  Today we ask your blessing upon our boat, Bella Luna.  Please keep us and all who come aboard safe against all perils and evil.  Give us wisdom and always guide us by your hand.
Today we dedicate Bella Luna in memory of Henry Rasmussen (Debbie's Dad) who inspired the dream, and who we love and miss so much.  Until the day breaks and all the shadows flee away, and He comes who's right it is to reign and because of Jesus we are re-united.  In the name of the Father, Son and Holy spirit.  Amen

We even had a little "bubbly" to make it official and a little on the bow too for Bella Luna.
Memo, Gaston, Gord and Jeff

Beautiful Sunset in Colonia

We spent a couple of days in Colonia then returned to Argentina.

Yes, the auto pilot is on, and our flag flying!

Now preparing for our sail north to Brazil.  Shopping, cooking, freezing for easy meals at sea and testing and learning all of Bella Luna's complex systems.   Also, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dear Friends

We moved on board last Friday and are elated with Bella Luna.  Also on moving day we were victims of a major theft and have lost all of our computers,  photographic equipment, iphone and a number of other personal items.  Both Debbie and I are ok but it has been difficult to communicate having had stolen all our methods of communication.
We are making arrangements to have a computer shipped to us here but blog posts will have to take a back seat until we can get things up and running again.
We are not sure what we have in the way of email addresses so if you could send us an email at then I can add you as a contact.  This will ensure we do not lose touch with you.

Debbie and I are fine after a few stressful days and are enjoying getting moved onto the boat and settled in.   The next stag is to go through the government check out and check in process and become the official owners of Bella Luna.  That will take place next week.  Then depending on the weather we will head north for Brazil sometime the first week of June.