
Friday, February 8, 2013

 February 8, 2013

Good morning!

As Gord continues working away getting the boat ready for our departure tomorrow, he has put me on the task of updating the blog. I (Laura, Gord’s daughter) returned to Rio de Janeiro with him on February 5th.  A little message from Gord: he apologizes for the not keeping the blog updated since we left Rio to return home to Canada on November 15th to look after Debbie’s health issues. Debbie has remained in Canada for the time being to rest and will meet back up with Gord and Bella Luna in Grenada once she fully recovers. I was fortunate that I was able to return to Rio to sail north to Grenada this month aboard Bella Luna!

Dad and I left Toronto International on February 3rd, but after a delay in Toronto, we missed our connecting flight to Rio through Charlotte, North Carolina. After a less than mediocre nights sleep in a nearby hotel (I blame that mostly on dad and the trumpet sounds that were coming from his nose in the next bed, yet he denies it) we were up early for breakfast and spent the day touring downtown Charlotte. Later that evening we headed back to the airport and were finally off to Rio. After a last attempt to be upgraded to first class, which was unsuccessful, we settled in for nine hours of flying. Both of us got very little sleep, but we arrived safe and sound in Rio to hot weather! I hope that you all back in Orillia (and area) are able to shovel yourself out after the big storm I hear is coming your way. Just before we left it was – 30 Celsius and the thermometer right now says + 40! Wow its hot, Dad has lost 10 pounds just thinking about all the work that needs to be done in this hot weather! We will be here soaking up the sun, thinking of you!

View out our front window in Orillia
Beach in Brazil

Dad and I spent Tuesday recovering from 2 days of travel, napped and full of food we were ready to get back to Bella Luna. We have now spent the last 2 days preparing for our journey North to the Caribbean. Shortly, we are heading to the grocery store to stock up on food for the first week of our trip. I will be spending the rest of the day in the kitchen preparing easy meals for us to have en route. Our first anticipated stop will be in Salvador, Brazil where we can refuel, restock our provisions and rest for the night. We have found a local gentleman from Rio, named Edison, who has asked to join us for our sail, so he will be our third crewmember as we sail up the coast of South America. 
We leave leave Saturday morning at 0600 hours and will likely be at sea for about 14 days.  Maybe a stop or two depending on the weather.  Edison will depart us in Natal, Brazil and we pick up another crew for the sail to Grenada.  More about her on the next blog.

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